無線とピュアオーディオ JN1NBU

無線とピュアオーディオ JN1NBU


VP6R 160m ラストチャンス


VP6R Update OCTOBER 29

We had a very successful night on 160M with over 500 contacts using FT8 last night. We have two more nights of operation on 160 & 80 meters before we must take down our antennas. We will have 24 more hours of operation on 40-10M from our base location on Pitcairn. Tonight (starting 0100Z 30 Oct) we will be on 160 & 80M CW. The last night (starting 0100Z 31 Oct) we will be using FT8 on 160 & 80M. We will be on 1.836 MHz (or 1.832 if busy) until 0800Z. At 0800Z we will be on 1.908 MHz until sunrise.
